Kozmetika needs to find a way to differentiate itself from other cosmetic companies. One way we can do this is by introducing a form of "sanitary sampling". Currently at most cosmetic stores they offer a way of sampling their lip glosses and lip balms by allowing you to rub it on your wrist or finger first, and then apply it to your lips. This way of sampling has major potential for sanitary health concerns and as a result, many women end up not trying the product because of these concerns. Kozmetika is a way of providing women with a sanitary solution to testing cosmetic products by allowing women to take home their own individual larger/fullsize samples of products to use personally instead of from a "communal source".
Any other ideas on how we can differentiate from our competition? Possibly a membership based store such as Costco?
Being an exclusive store is one way to differentiate yourselves from your other stores. In order to do something like this you might have to go really niche and provide something unique to your customers. Also another idea could be to provide a mobile cosmetic shop/service for busy working women. Furthermore, I see you guys are trying to target two markets men and women. I wonder as a startup if you could end up stretching yourself's too thin trying to satisfy these segments. Also it might lead to a more complicated value proposition.
My final question is on how are you guys going to get these European products, do you have contacts, are these products not sold in Canada if so is there a reason and finally why will these European companies want to deal with kozmetika.
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