Demand Creation Plan

  • Social media is inexpensive and absolutely vital to compete in todays market
  • Group events equal a lot of people in a central location talking and getting hyped up about our company
  • In store giveaways are a great way to get our product out there and can make people first and repeat customers
  • Risks of rouge spokesperson (Their personality and actions reflect our business image)
  • Giftcards are great revenue since nearly 30-50% of them are never used...FREE MONEY
  • Unique design of store draws people in and keeps people coming in
  • Advice people can count on to keep them coming back
  • Superior customer service
  • Working towards reaching your network's networks
  • Heavy marketing is essential to getting our brand out there and keeping it in the fore front of peoples minds
  • Main income is generated from selling products with our services acting as a lost leader to attract people into our store