Friday, December 9, 2011

Almost Done!

Last night went quite well. I am proud of His Man Friday, because we started this concept from scratch at the beginning of the semester. It's interesting to compete against ventures that have been in the works for over a year, and it's satisfying to be in the top 3 among those types of ventures.

Now that we are wrapping up, we have to finish our 5-7 page hand-in by the 14th. Also, We have to compile a hand-in with all the relevant numbers about our prototype. Hopefully we can have this done soon as well so that we can get our marks back soon.

Almost done team, lets finish strong!

Congrats to Mido and NYX, both pitches were extremely well done. Peter came right out of the gates with a tug at the heartstrings, then moved to literal examples of customer segments with his use of "Jessica" and her "boyfriend" and their buying patterns. It was well explained, and I think he did an outstanding job getting his concept across to the crowd in 6 minutes. Ian and the NYX team used great visuals and I loved the short video that began the pitch - it really set the stage for the brand's identity. Ian is a great pitcher as well, and followed the video with a well thought through pitch that addressed all the necessary points. This, backed up with Matt's visuals on the slides, really captured the brand.

Great job everyone!


AdrianBautista said...

Thanks bro! Congrats to you guys as well :)

mdowhaniuk said...

Ahhhh I just want to be done! So close!

Congrats to all the teams - all the pitches were really solid! And to think where we came from when we first started pitching a couple years ago... Great job everyone!

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