Monday, December 5, 2011


WOW! - This looks fantastic you guys. It's come a long way since the inception and orginal vision. All of you should be very proud of what you have accomplished is such a short period of time. I can't get over how well you all work together and support one another in this great venture. All the best to you when you present your pitch. I was hoping that I might get an invite to see you all in action. Once again . . . job well done.



mdowhaniuk said...

Thanks Monica, we are thankful for all your input, ideas, and feedback over the semester. As for coming to the pitches, I think you might be able to but I'll get back to you on this.

pbruns said...

Thanks for all your support Monica! We really appreciate it. And thanks for coming to the pitch last night!

Colby Sawatzky said...

Let me know when you guys open up! and I will come grab a beer and a shave!! I really enjoyed your presentation

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