Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Six Minute Pitch


#1 The Intro - Your "Ah ha!" moment

#2 What you do (in a few repeatable sentences):
We created _____ that does ______ which solves _______ for ______.

#3 Problem Solver - What problem are you solving? For who? Are you making lives easier? (if you can make this a human story - do)

#4 Target Customer - who are your customers and how are you going after them? (keep it simple, don't go too deep)

#5 Business Model - who are your customers? how are you going after them? how are you going to get money from them? why are they willing to pay? how can you change their behaviour?

#6 Differentiator - why you'll win over the others. your sustainable, competitive edge. what are you doing different? we do XYZ that our competitors doesn't do - and we have usable products/talent to back it up

#7 Traction/Growth - proof is in the pudding. what growth thus far? projected growth. can you mention potential customers/clients that you've talked to? use logos

#8 Winning Team - why your team is THE team to make this happen. promote yourself and your team - headshots?

#9 The Ask - advice, partnership, money (your skin in the game as well)? what value do your advisors bring and would they give you money? what does that person in front of you have that you need? it is connections or a network? seed funds to accomplish XYZ? distribution companies like ABC?

Know your audience and who is best to pitch to them:

  • Stephen Kenny
  • Brad Johnz
  • Terry Sydorick
  • Alice Reimer
  • Less is more - less words and more images that reinforce what you're talking about (before and after)
  • Pie charts, bar graphs - support your pitch
  • screen shots and photos of what your building - prototype and products
  • Clean images
  • Equation for The Ask - this is the money that's in there right now and this is what we want
  • Dress for your audience and representing your brand - don't dress in anything makes you uncomfortable in or that would make your audience uncomfortable
Body Language:
  • Be open, don't talk with your hands too much, eye contact with audience


mdowhaniuk said...

We created a premium men's grooming lounge that specializes in providing a unique experience through products and services which offers a comfortable place for appearance cautious men to go to.

- pain/solution
- differentiator/traction and growth/financials

- customer/business model
- team/ask for the money

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