Thursday, September 22, 2011

Next Level Kozmetika

Three more ideas to bring to the drawing board:

1. Posting Youtube videos on how to use certain products correctly by cosmetics experts. These videos would demonstrate to proper use of beauty products while at the same time advertising potential featured "products of the month".

2. Samples of hair products. These types of products are rarely sampled in department stores and are a large market to just pass over. By allowing women and men to sample these products, we would be opening up a whole new sub-market of the beauty industry to effective sampling. 

3. Having on sight staff that can help men pick out gifts for their special somebody. Men find shopping for cosmetics and beauty products (such as perfume and other care products) overwhelming and are lost when trying to make the right choice. With our in-house experts, picking out that perfect gift would be easy and would allow men to feel more comfortable knowing they were given expert help when deciding upon a gift.


mdowhaniuk said...

1. I love the idea of YouTube videos. There are lots of women out there who don't know how to use certain products or are new to the makeup scene and aren't aware of what products they should or should not be using. Another thing that the YouTube videos would be great for is having a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly video that features a makeup artist giving a new look to someone while also giving a tutorial on how to create looks such as: smokey eyes, the natural look, evening time, etc.

2. As a girl I hate buying shampoo. I can never tell from a bottle if its going to leave your hair dry or weighed down and if you're buying a salon quality shampoo they are usually a little samples of this would be very beneficial to many men and women instead of wasting large amounts of money on a product that they use once and find out they don't like it.

3. When I worked at The Body Shop, tons of guys would come in and ask what my favorite product was in the store and more often that not they would buy whatever I said. Not sure if 'in-house or on sight staff' means that we are having a store or if this is strictly website based however, if this is solely website based we could have a chat section (kind of like Facebook chat or the library chat at MRU) that you could talk to a person and ask opinions on products or gifts that you may have questions on.

jrass said...

One thing that might be interesting to consider while on the topic of how-to videos would be to have a number of televisions set up in the store (should that be our chosen path) that are continually playing various demonstrations of how to best use certain products. This is something that I have seen used at the Apple Store for electronics and its interesting to see something on the screen that I hadn't thought of trying before.

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