Thursday, October 13, 2011

Take Aways From Group Meeting - Oct 13

  • Name change from Kozmenika to His Man Friday as well as our URL
  • Send out an email to the class notifying them of this change - Lane
  • Due to the new name we should try and find a logo or picture that we could use for our product and brand identity - the 'crest' that was discussed
  • Complete the Minimum Viable Product – Due Sunday Oct 16 at midnight
    • 700 words
    • Define it’s feature set
    • The MVP prototype approach taken (Mock-Up Demo) and rational of why we decided to do this
    • The hypothesis that the MVP feature set is based on and the validation tests to confirm the hypothesis
    • Read pdf document to fully understand MVP
  • Revise the Demand Creation Plan - Lane is on the ball and already posted
  • Develop a prototype - store front, floor plans, rational behind the logic of the prototype
    • Why did we choose the lay out that we did?
    • Why did we choose the colors or materials?
    • Perhaps explain why we chose the location we did
  • We are going to go ahead with the advisory meeting on Thursday, October 20th during class time, as well as an extra half an hour for time to meet with Grant
    • An agenda for this meeting should be created and sent to the Advisors - Madeline


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