Thursday, October 27, 2011

Website Under Construction

Hey team,
Our website for His Man Friday is in the works and I hope to have it done by next weekend. I will post the URL as soon as I have it published so that you can check it out and post feedback as to how we can improve it.

Also, I am still working on sketches for the floor plan, and as has been suggested, I will scan my paper copies to post on our team blog to get some feedback for those as well so that I can churn out a more sophisticated prototype ala Google Sketch Up to post here as well.


mdowhaniuk said...

This is great! I'm going to try and also finish that mock up product line. Just have to figure out how to wrap that image. If anyone can suggest an easy way to to that it would be very much appreaciated. Would we be able to put that on the website Jared?

The floor plans will be a good addition to the blog and a start in the right direction for our prototype! Maybe after the initial ones are created we can go over them as a team, refine, and then present them to the Advisory Board to get some more feedback

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