Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We need to develop a team RACI...we are unclear on how this should look and what rational we should provide to support it. Maybe a template would be nice?

We also need to focus on a customer development hypothesis...we need a better explanation on this, so if anyone has some comments, that would be of much help. Suggestions on how to approach this and how to interpret data would be greatly appreciated


mdowhaniuk said...

I agree, I'm not sure what this is supposed to look like? I know there is that example on a powerpoint that Evan used but it's still not very clear. Maybe we can look at examples on other blogs?

Hmmm...for the customer development hypothesis we might need to talk to Evan. I honest don't remember him saying that we had to do this at all. Survey Monkey could do this, but I don't think a multiple choice interview system is the way to go - it doesn't allow for people's full opinions. The interviews we did initially were a much better system.

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