Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Notes From Class on Nov 8

This is just to catch you guys up who missed class today so everyone is on the same page:

  • Individual video pitches are due this Sunday Nov 13 at midnight

  • The date for the final pitch is set for Dec 8 (4:30-6:30)

  • Please go through the powerpoint from today's class (Evan hasn't posted yet)

  • One submission from the team on the prototype: what you wanna do for your prototype and how much percentage of your grade it will be worth (one page proposal)

  • Final Business Plan needs to be generated and complete by the end of the semester

  • Consider doing financials June to July instead of January to December

  • Create pro forma financials to gain an in depth understanding of your venture, common point of reference to make team decision from, and they are a living document (has to be defendable)

  • Download the pro forma spreadsheet templates on the topic schedule; first year should be done in detail by month for the first 12 months (realistic) and then the next 4 years will be done by year (these are 'wild ass guesses')

  • This should be posted to our blog with key assumptions and Evan will discuss at our next venture progress review; it does NOT have to be perfect but take a stab at it

  • Complete SWOT Analysis spreadsheet and post to blog, it will be reviewed at the next venture progress review (should not take a lot of time); provide a few comments about what you did or why you decided on things


  • Combination of all information we've done over the semester - most of it will come from the blog

  • Should document venture's goals, reasons why they are attainable, and the plan to reach those goals

  • Has to look nice, any investor should be able to read it, less is more, pictures are nice

FYI - I have set up a google doc to compile the business plan on and sent everyone the link. The link has also been posted under the Website Tab incase you delete the email. There is already an outline of the components we need to have on there so we can start anytime!


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