Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Business Plan

We have a LOT of work ahead of us - Madeline took some great notes on what is expected of us for the business plan, and posted them on the blog a few days ago. I would really like to work on this as a group, to make sure that our facts and figures are succinct. When is everyone able to meet? I know that we could work on it a little bit this Thursday during our advisor meeting, but another meeting wouldn't hurt.

Let me know!


mdowhaniuk said...

Everyone keep in mind that I also created a Google Doc for the business plan, and the link can be found under the Website tab on the right. The business plan is due on Dec 14th but I think we should get started on this ASAP because these last couple weeks are going to be hectic with final project submissions not only for this class but all our other ones, and then final exams too. We DEFINITELY will need to meet more than once to work on this. Jared, Lane, and myself all have time between classes on monday and wednesday, and we should also meet on a friday for everyone to be there and if we get any free class time (don't think that will happen) to work on it as well. If everyone could go to the Google Doc, look at the components that need to be completed, and think about what should be included, we will waste less time when we get together.

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