Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Top 5 Video Votes from HMF

The following are the top 5 videos we chose to vote for:
  • Ian (NYX)
    • A lot of work went into this video, it was comical
    • Told us about the product, what it does, and who would use it
  • Tanner (Fore Seasons Golf)
    • Visuals were strong - what the actual simulator looks like
    • Explained what they offered and for what price compared to what you would pay at a regular golf course
    • Engaging and comical 
  • Adrian (mido)
    • Explained mido's offering in a simple, but informative way.
    • Upbeat, with a strong voice - believes in the venture
    • Packed a lot of information into a short amount of time - great use of statistics
    • Visuals worked well and were a good representation of the venture
    • Liked that he showed the sign up page for mido's site
  • Matt (NYX)
    • Video was inspiring, innovative and educational - that seems to be what NYX is trying to create for their brand image, and this video was a great example of that
    • Very motivational and descriptive, great use of visuals 
    • Showed the product components
  • Christa (NYX) 
    • Simple, yet very informative and professional
    • Explained what the product was and how it would be used by athletes
For these reasons, we feel that these are the top 5 videos that should be awarded the extra 1% bonus mark. Overall the videos were very well done, great job from everyone that posted!


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