Thursday, November 3, 2011

Alawys A Pleasure

As usual today was another informative group meeting. It's always impressive to see what your group has collaboratively accomplished from the last time met as a group. The latest blog, and FB additions and enhancements are looking great, and it will be fun to see the next version with the revised edits. The "scrum" for the floor plan and product development seem to be shaping up into a platform that you can focus and work on over the next few weeks. It's great to come into a meeting with an agenda to follow, someone present to chair the meeting and over see that all items are covered off. We are all busy, so I just want to reiterate how much I appreciate time well spent.

Motivation is contagious!

Monica Dowhaniuk


mdowhaniuk said...

Thanks for the feedback! Hopefully we can keep up the great meetings as a time. Look forward to next time!

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