Monday, November 28, 2011

Venture Progress Review #2

Blog Review and Feedback

* General organization and layout, overall UX, use of tools (labels,
menus, archive)

* BMC < Recent update that reflects your venture changes>
* Advisory Board Profile < Complet with who they are, what have then
done and why they are relevant. >
* Advisory Board Minutes


* Identify your key partners and blog the following:

*which partners and suppliers leverage your model?
* who do you need to rely on?

* Identify your key resources and blog the following:

*which resources underpin your business model?
*which assets are essential?

* Identify your key activities; create one-page project manager plan

* Mockup of Venture Website

* Cash Flow Pro Forma

General Comments
< jpeg of floor plans to should show more of build out as it is a CSF.
Blog updates are relevant and but not consistently posted or followed
through. Need to start discussing key metrics for success e.g. sales per
square foot, sales per station. Not seeing many comments from other


mdowhaniuk said...

This is from 2 weeks ago right? We have another venture progress review with him tomorrow in class I'm pretty sure

pbruns said...

Yeah it's from the 15th.

Who knows though... If we do, great! We will post the comments from that one on here instead.

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