Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Prototype Changes

My calculations and Jared's store model were not aligned. We had differing amounts and types of shelving. He has decided to add a couple 4 sided shelve and a table into his model, and I will change our amount of shelving space in my calculations. After seeing the newest model, 462sq ft of shelving seems like way too much for our floor plan. I will decrease it accordingly, and probably end up with 200-300sq ft.

We have decided to have:
  • 4, 3 sided shelves along the east wall
  • 2, 4 sided shelving pillars behind the couches
  • 1 table in the southwest corner of the store


mdowhaniuk said...

Good catch Pat, having everything succinct will make our prototype and calculations concrete. This will probably cut down the amount of inventory on the shelves as well

Anonymous said...

When we were talking to Evan about our venture he kept stressing our scalability and how we would expand our business in the future. Looks like you guys would have the same issues being that we both have brick and mortar locations offering different products and services as part of the business model. Just curious what your plan was for "scalability" are? I think we are going the franchising route, is that where you guys are headed?

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